Welcome to the Cornforth Parish Council Website

Survey Report 2024
Many thanks to those residents who took the trouble to fill in and return the Cornforth Parish Council survey form.
It really helps your councillors to have a better idea of how people feel.
The results are in! – 2024 Survey Report
We are a committed Parish Council with a simple, achievable, and beneficial VISION to work in harmony with all within our parish to build trust and communication, maintain and improve the facilities to be accessible and to improve the Quality of Life for all within the Parish.
To achieve this, we AIM to manage the Parish Council’s assets & finances effectively and efficiently to achieve best value and sustainability into the future, develop the Parish Council website, engage with local organisations, community groups and develop a two-way system of communication and support and to ensure that community development is driven by the local community and that it represents their needs and ambitions.
The aims help drive us forward and achieve our vision to provide effective and accountable local government for the parish, demonstrate openness, transparency and accountability in all Parish Council activities, work closely with the local community by listening to their views, needs and aspirations and assist to bring these to fruition, work with partners and stakeholders to improve and enhance the local, environment, support the work of voluntary groups and organisations, represent the views of local residents in response to local planning applications and to identify, in partnership with the parishioners and other bodies, the needs of the Parish and seek ways of assisting in meeting them. WORK WITH US TO WORK FOR YOU !
The Parish Council usually meets on the second Monday of every month at 7:00pm in The Community centre . Everyone is welcome to attend the the meeting to present information or to ask questions.
Planning Applications
The Parish Council considers planning applications within the Parish and make recommendations to the Planning Authority, Durham County Council. You can easily access current and past planning applications through Durham County Council’s Planning page.